The Right Way and The Wrong Way to Train a Horse.
That title above is what the horse-social-media business calls “click bait”. Also could be referred to as the old “bait and switch”. Because ethical concerns aside there is no right or wrong way to train any horse. Rather there is simply a best way and a worst way to train, with a lot of different ways in between.
I have a fairly wide set of varying techniques I use when working with a horse, and I have my favourite methods out of a handful of those techniques. However, what is the preferred technique for me might not be the best technique for any one particular horse. At times I will need to change what I’m doing to a technique I feel less comfortable using for the benefit of the horse.
People will criticise and dismiss training methods they themselves do not employ for a multitude of reasons. It can be that they are aware of a better system for addressing the problem or training element on display. It can be ego driven, or it can be out of self interest. Either way it is never classy to take verbal shots at people for trying their best.
Sometimes the best technique for one horse is not the best technique for the next horse. Sometimes the best technique for one horse is the absolute worst for the next horse. There is no right or wrong - because what works for one may not work for the other and visa versa.
Sometimes the easiest and best training technique I employ might not be effective in the hands of someone else. Perhaps the best technique for another person is one that I had discarded as less favourable. But I can’t repeat enough, there is no right or wrong, there is best and worst, and what works.
If we bring the subject of ethics into consideration then obviously there are techniques that we could (almost) all agree are wrong. But people are quite happy to bend their own beliefs about ethics when an admired or hero figure is breaking these self determined values. Sometimes the ethical considerations of a training practice can change (for better or worse) when a person discovers more about the subject.
There is no right and wrong way to work with horses. There is a best and a worst way, and a lot of ways in between.